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View as ZloImages

Web Tutorial: Creating Your First ZloImage

As the first video in the series, we will walk through the process of setting up a basic ZloImage

Web Tutorial: 3 Ways to Add YouTube Videos

Here we show you how to add YouTube videos by link or ID, by playlist and by text search

Web Tutorial: Incorporating Google Photos Media

Here we show you how to incorporate Google Photos Media into a ZloImage

Web Tutorial: Creating Your Second ZloImage

In this video, we will use what we learned in Creating Your First ZloImage, Adding YouTube Videos and Incorporating Google Photos Media to create a relatively simple ZloImage that is focused on Mount Rushmore and Devil's tower. We will use this ZloImage in later tutorials to demonstrate additional features.

Web Tutorial: First Edit - Cropping

In this video we will perform our first modification to a ZloImage -- A simple crop.

Web Tutorial: Editing MetaData & Tags - Including AI Tagging

In this video we will continue working with our previous ZloImage by editing some of the metadata associated with its media and adding tag via a imaging tagging service.

Web Tutorial: Multiple Edits with Queues

In this video we will combine a number of edits by using a queue to make changes. Doing so allows you to incur the cost of recreating the ZloImage only one time rather than 5 times for each of the changes in this video.

Web Tutorial: Web Tutorial: Advanced Editor and Manual Queue

In this video we will demonstrate the use of an advanced editor to annotate a ZloImage media file as well as how to manually execute a queue.

Web Tutorial: Backgrounds & Sources

In this video we will show you how to change the background image of a ZloImage and how to setup your own custom background source.

Web Tutorial: Gallery Backgrounds, ZloImage Thumbnails and Other Background Options

In this video we will show you how to modify the background of a ZloImage from within it, how to set a gallery background and how to change a ZloImage thumbnail.

Web Tutorial: Friends, History and Favorites

In this video we will show you the basics of setting up relationships in ZloViewer as well as how history and favorites work.

Web Tutorial: Permission to Access, Sharing and Freezing

In this video we will use the accounts we set up previously to demonstrate the various ways you can control access to your ZloImages as well as how and why to freeze a ZloImage.

Web Tutorial: Searching Users, Galleries and ZloImages

In this video we will look at three methods available for searching on ZloViewer. These include user search, gallery search and ZloImage search. We'll also show you how to control how you show up in search results.

Web Tutorial: Multiple Galleries, Create, Use & Modify

In this video we will show you how to work with multiple galleries, including how to create them, move ZloImages between them, set their thumbnails via multiple methods and set a background. Also briefly featured is how to peform actions on multiple ZloImages from a gallery by using the bulk edit tool.

Mobile: Install Progressive Web App

In this short video we'll show you how to install the ZloViewer progressive web app on your mobile device. You can always run ZloViewer in your browser, but installing it speeds up the application and provides additional benefits. You can use any browser that supports progressive web apps to install it.

Mobile: Creating a ZloImage from your Camera Roll

In this video we will create a ZloImage from the mobile device's camera roll. For the most part, interacting with ZloViewer on mobile is the same as on a desktop and this video is just a reminder of how to create a ZloImage. It is similar to the desktop tutorial video except we're getting the media from the camera roll. Note that you can not upload videos in this manner.

Mobile: Sharing From Google Photos

In this video we show how to share directly from Google Photos to ZloViewer, which is faster than uploading from your device and also allows the incorporation of videos into a ZloImage.\

Mobile: Setting Locations & Mapviews

In this video we will show you how to add a Location to a ZloImage and view maps of ZloImages.

Mobile: Sharing to Other Applications & Securing Your Shares

In this video we show you how to share a secure link to your ZloImage.

Windows: Fast Custom Tagging

When you have a lot of media, finding what you're looking for can be a Herculean task. ZloViewer gives you the ability to add custom keywords / tags to your media at breakneck speeds. Just drag and drop what you want onto the media. Better yet, ZloViewer integrates two 3rd party image analysis tools for your use when desired: Google Cloud Vision and Clarifai.

Windows: Search Online & Bulk Download Images

Need to get a bunch of stock photos quickly? ZloViewer allows you to download hundreds of image files based on a search term quickly and also allows you to specify the type of license you're looking for.

Windows: Organize your Media

Maybe you have 5,000, 10,000 or more media files spread across different storage media. Drop it all in one place and then allow ZloViewer to sort through, organize, and normalize that media according to your desires.

Windows: Reverse Image Search

Maybe you've already got a photo and want others like it, or to try to find out where a photo was taken. Utilizing ZloViewer's reverse image search feature makes it painless.

Windows: Duplicate / Similar Media Tool 1

Working within a ZloImage, ZloViewer can quickly give you visual feedback of images that are exactly the same or are similar at varying degrees of sensitivity.

Windows: Duplicate / Similar Media Tools 2

ZloViewer allows you to also harness the power of similar / duplicate media search across all of your media that ZloViewer has encountered. You can restrict the search in various ways.

Windows: AI Media Tagging

You can manipulate keywords within a ZloImage as above our within the main application directory view of ZloViewer.

Windows: Fast Bulk Editing

The principle of a ZloImage is to cram all your media into the size of the user's viewport. But what about working with a large number of files? How can you possibly do this with 100 or 200 images? ZloViewer implements up to 9 "subzlos" for every ZloImage you create and spreads the media across all of them so that you can work with a smaller subset at will. Here we demonstrate the same principles as above with a set of 100 images and a ZloImage size of 1024x768. Subzlos are utilized to accomplish this.

Windows: Share the way YOU Want

Directly from the ZloViewer application you can share your media the way you want, with a variety of options to restrict or grant access and permissions. In the first part of this video we set the defaults sharing settings that are used when creating a ZloImage through the application or web interface. Then we upload to ZloViewer and view the result.

Windows: Basic Non-Destructive Editing

Working with a lot of media files often involves three basic editing tasks--cropping, removing unwanted photos and rotating. ZloViewer gives you the tools to do this faster than ever before. Here we demonstrate how to quickly do this with 20 files, but the principles for larger sets of media are the same. Best of all, unless you specifically tell ZloViewer to enter destructive mode (keyboard shortcut Ctrl-D) a backup of the original is made and you can restore one or all at your convenience.

Windows: MetaData Editor

ZloViewer allows you to quickly access and modify media MetaData from either within a ZloImage or through the MetaData tab of the main application

Windows: Use All Your Cores / MultiProcessing

ZloViewer was designed from the ground up with efficiency in mind. Whenever possible, ZloViewer will utilize all the processing power available to speed along your media organizing efforts. In this video it's using all 8 CPU cores of a laptop computer.

Windows: Installing FFmpeg to enable Videos

In this video we will show you how to install the third party application FFmpeg which will allow you to work with Videos in ZloViewer.

Use Case - Organize 192gb: Importing Unorganized Media

In this video, we will import an unorganized set of Media that consists of 192 gigabytes of data, over 40,000 files and most certainly duplicates amongst them. We are using actual data from my own media collection consisting of a Photos folder that has a large amount of pictures and videos going back to 2003, a Photo Other folder that has random unorganized media and photo projects and download of all my media that is stored in Google Photos that was downloaded using Google Takeout. Note that these are copies of the original data sources. You should always keep a backup of your original data!

Use Case - Organize 192gb: Removing Duplicates & Similar Media

In this video we will find and remove duplicates and similar media that was imported in our last video.

Use Case - Organize 192gb: Dating Media

An integral part of ZloViewer is recognizing and utilizing the context of time when organizing your media. In this video we will focus on the dating of the media within our imported library of over 17,000 files.

Use Case - Organize 192gb: Resolving Outliers & Cleanup

At this point we have resolved all of our dates found in the path that differ from the media's metadata. The next step is to do a cleanup and look for any outliers before actually organizing our media.

Use Case - Organize 192gb: Preview, Organize, & Cleanup

In this final video of the series we will look at how we can control the output of our media organization effort, execute the changes and do a brief cleanup to mop up any stragglers.